Monday, June 9, 2008


Tag by Amanda
You are trapped in a small deep well of 30 feet with someone of an opposite sex. The sky is pouring rain and it's just a matter of time before the both of you drown in.

1) Whom do you wish that partner will be?

My boyfriend. Because he is VERY good underwater. HEHE. and Miss Nangka and Freddie Prince Junior.

2) What is the one last thing you will want to do with your partner after saying your prayers?

First, have my boyfriend to give me a HARD thrust from the back UNDERwater. and then a trisome with Freddie
and Miss Nangka.

p/s: i knw i knw....question says someONE... Miss Nangka and Freddie are my imaginary partner


Ej said...

where are we going for our double date?? ;) plan it out!!!!!!!!!

Mandy said...

HARD thrust fr d back? *wao...didn't know u fancy doggy style ;p